About me
I am an Assistant Language Teacher in the JET Programme. I graduated from the University of Florida with a Bachelor of Arts in International Studies with a focus on Asia. Additionally, I have minors in Japanese and Religion. There has been a myriad of influences that have shaped my global perspective. From living, working and studying abroad in Japan, to my campus engagement with the Japanese Club and Judo Club, to working with non-profits and Morakami Museum in Miami, these opportunities and hands-on experiences have encouraged me to continue pursuing my goals and developing a better understanding of the world around me.
Upon the end of my contract with the JET Programme in August 2019, my next step is pursuing a Master's degree in International Affairs from the Elliot School of International Affairs at George Washington University. I also plan on learning Russian so that I can broaden my horizon. I plan to work in the field of diplomacy or international affairs either in the US or internationally to promote a more harmonious world.
I was the Culture Chair for the Japanese Club and the Secretary/Treasurer for the Judo Club.